Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday Confessions || 5-14-2023


In theme of the day: a few months ago my husband mentioned that a mutual friend was pregnant again and my immediate reaction was "oh" to rhyme with "ew" and I had to quickly be like, I mean, I'm happy for her 😂 No shade to her! I am happy for her, it's just the idea of being pregnant to me is so EW.


My veggies are growing so fast! I'm worried I may have planted my zucchini plants too close together though. Whoops. I'm excited to have fresh veggies this summer though from my own garden!


It's been two weeks since my biopsy and my nose is still not healed. Sad face. I tested the 13th night with no bandage but I woke up to it being bloody so the bandage is back on. I'm running out of bandaids, need to buy more small ones.