Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Confessions || 6-24-2018


I found a grey/white hair in my right eyebrow. The first one that I've found. If this is where I'm going to go grey first, unsubscribe.


My husband and I had morning sex and I told him that based on an article I read, he should feel really confident today at work. And he asked, "like more than normal? Need to make a bigger scale." Share some of that ego with me, guy ;)


I had casually mentioned the extra tv that I had at home, since my husband bought a new one this year, to a coworker, and she asked about details so I texted my husband. He gave the details... but then also became super sentimental about it! 

Neil: Are you selling our first TV?
Me: Did you want to keep it?
Neil: No, it's fine. It's just a physical representation of our relationship :(

That TV was everything I had previously told everyone else what NOT TO DO in a relationship:

1. Do not buy expensive things for the other person that you cant split up or be guaranteed to keep in a breakup.
2. Do not open up credit cards for/with them.
3. Especially with the promise of "I'll pay you back"

I opened up a credit card at Best Buy solely for us to purchase this TV which Neil was going to pay me back half. His credit wasn't good enough to get the card but mine was. I knew too many girls that got into relationships, opened up lines of credit, had their significant other max them out (all three I knew that had done this had ended up with over $10,000 in credit card debt) and then break up with them.

I also put the couch on another credit card, which he was then to pay back half. And he did! For both the couch and TV. And we ended up staying together and getting married! So see, sometimes it's not a terrible idea, ha.