Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Quarantine Brownies

Here is my Quarantine Brownie recipe or otherwise known as Frankenstein brownies which Becky dubbed them! I cobbled together a few different brownie recipes, which is a really terrible, TERRIBLE idea to do if you do not know what you are doing. Like me. I am not a baker.

I'm going to start with: these were just okay. Which all things considered, was a pleasantly surprising outcome.

I wouldn't make these for a party, or cookie exchange type thing, or for anyone other than me and my husband.

But if you don't have very much in the way of ingredients in your pantry, but you have these items, these brownies are passable. My husband ate them, so they couldn't have been THAT bad.

Next time I might double the hot chocolate part, they didn't have a super-strong chocolate taste.
Also, the brownies were super flat once they cooled. I'm not a baker so I'm not sure what to add to help with that. Maybe more baking powder?
1 14 oz can condensed coconut milk
1 cup flour
1 stick salted margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 package hot chocolate mix

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Spray brownie pan with oil
Mix dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, hot chocolate mix
Melt condensed milk and butter until melted over medium heat.
Remove from heat and add vanilla.
Mix in dry mixture until blended.
Pour into prepared dish and bake for about 30 min.

I also sprinkled them with some mini chocolate chips I found in my pantry. Those really didn't do very much I don't think. The condensed milk gave them an... interesting chew to them. Like a hard but not too hard caramel, but not gooey. But they did start to get kinda hard after a day, so my husband made sure to eat them all. Normally he isn't hugely into chocolate, but I'm thinking the less than normal chocolate brownie taste helped with that.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is if you make these, don't blame me if you hate them.