Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Monday, July 8, 2019

What I Wore || THE Red Dress

So this is part 2 of The Red Dress Saga: the reveal! Was it worth all that headache? I think so! It was still a little more low cut than I would have liked, but it was Vegas, and trust me, other girls were showing a lot more. Like a lot. A lot lot. Most of the reviews are people wearing this dress for graduations and weddings, so maybe I am just a lot more conservative than I thought. If I'm to wear this dress just to dinner, I will wear more "sexy" shoes, these wedges were worn for practicality, ha. You do a lot of walking in Vegas!
Also, remember this post I did about body shape? I think this dress finally "solved" it for me! I am very definitely a rectangle/banana! Yay banana :)

BOTH my other friend and I had zipper troubles, we thought it would be a good idea to get ready ALONE in our respective hotel rooms. She ended up having to ask a stranger in the hall to assist, while I shimmied and wiggled my way through mine. Like, I literally had the whole dress under my armpits to bunch up the fabric enough to be able to grab the zipper over my shoulder. I keep it sexy, guys. My friend said she had no shame in her dress game, lolsss. The mom and daughter team actually went in her room to help her out, which she thought was brave of them. But I feel most people are super sweet and nice when they are on vacation mode! But this meant that Stephanie was "late" getting to my hotel according to our original plan, and then there was a huge traffic jam which my friend said felt completely like New York, it was so bizarre.
We rushed as fast as we could because we thought we were going to be late, but once we got there and I saw that a good amount of people were still in line at the bar, I let out a breath of relief. Not late!
This dress was worn to see Lady Gaga Jazz and Piano, and then a tiki bar afterward. If you are going to Vegas and going to see Lady Gaga, I TOTALLY recommend the jazz and piano! I didn't know what to expect, and it was a blast. You could tell she really enjoyed doing it, and her personality really shown through. I wasn't expecting all the costume changes! Even though it was choreographed, there were many moments that were off the cuff and felt so intimate, it was amazing how she was able to do that. We caught her last show before she was off for the summer, so I'm not sure if the contributed to her super relaxed attitude. ALSO: my one friend that didn't go to the show, HUNG OUT WITH LADY GAGA as a kid, they watched the Lion King on her parent's bed! WHAT.

Trying to leave the hotel after the show to get to the tiki bar was... an adventure. The show ended at 10:45, and we didn't get to the bar until a little after MIDNIGHT. Yes, the bar was off strip, but only by like three miles! Ugh. Honestly felt like we were doing our own version of Train, Planes, and Automobiles. 
So when we get outside the lobby, everyone else from the show was also there waiting for Uber/Lyft and taxies. It was shoulder to shoulder madness and even more traffic jam of cars trying to pick up and leave. So we hustle back in, and get to the connecting hotel to that lobby aaand, the same thing. Dang. So we hustle some more, more stairs, and take a tram to another hotel. The tram was PACKED like Japanese train packed. I felt like we needed some white gloved guys pushing us in.

Steph squeezed her way in and was like you can make it! I had one foot on the platform and one foot on the train and was like, really though? I squeezed in and did my best to hold on. We get to this hotel and the line for a taxi was better. 
Ok but we did take a detour for the beautiful conservatory at the Bellagio, it changes for all the seasons/holidays, it's just beautiful! I'm so glad we had to take the detour because otherwise, I would have missed it, and it's not something my husband thinks is that interesting. 

But we did have the trashiest euro-trash group in front of us in the taxi line, like a dozen of them. One guy kept trying to find reasons to talk to me and bleh. Think of the movie Night at the Roxbury to get an idea of how these guys were dressed. Very shiny suits, glasses of whiskey, cigarettes. 
But we make it to The Golden Tiki! Even though we missed the first hour and everyone was a bit drunk already, ha. Little did we know that we were going to be there until four in the morning!
Shoes || BAIT
Earrings || 1928
Handbag || Whiting & Davis