Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 5-12-2019


I was eating my lunch outside the Whole Foods across the street from my work, and I reached over for my water and the sleeve on my jacket caught on my container of goldfish crackers and they went everywhere!!! I didn't know what to do, like how am I going to pick up all these crackers off the table and floor??? So I just left them... And it was super busy lunchtime crowd, so embarrassing.


BUT NOT AS EMBARRASSING AS NOT FLUSHING THE TOILET and another coworker going right in as you leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL ME NOW. GAHHHHHH. I was in such a rush that day because the two other schedules were off so I was doing a three-person job on my own :( :( :(


And it was a guy and I was on my period so there was pee and blood. Really. Just kill me.