Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Monday, May 13, 2019

What I Wore || The Big Chop

Last outfit post with my long hair! Do I miss it? Is it weird that I only miss the craziness it could do but not the actual day to day dealing with it?

This was also the day that I found out that the treatment for Izze wasn't working and we had to put her down. A lot of mixed feelings in these photos. Sorry for the unexpected downer on this post.

I've been trying to find casual blouses and it's so much harder than it should be. For me. I just hate so many tops for various reasons! Weird fabric, weird sleeves, boxiness, dumb things with the hemlines There was one L.L Bean but they made the back hem longer than the front, like whyyyy and looked like it was going to be a bit too boxy anyways, but I loved the colors!

This blouse is pretty good, aside from that it wrinkles like crazy when I wash it. I don't put it in the dryer because I don't want it to shrink but I'm sure that would help with the wrinkles. At the moment I just have to spend time steaming it.
Blouse || Loft
Jeans || American Eagle