Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How did young Heather envision her future?

10-year-old Heather thought that her adult life would be as follows:

-I would either be a teacher*, a librarian or own a bookstore.

-If a bookstore owner, my apartment would be above the store.

-I would live alone, and spend my evenings alone, reading. I wasn't interested in boys.

-I didn't imagine my place having a television or computer. 

-I also wanted a bathtub full of skittles.

At least I got one thing right. 10 year old me would be happy. Er, it wasn't the bathtub full of skittles. Still waiting on that. I meant that I get a lot of alone time. With the cats. Which I did not think I would have (can you believe that there was a time when I was fairly indifferent towards them?).

*I did try my hand at teaching. I was part of the Teaching Acadamy at my high school and I went to elementary schools and taught a lesson plan once a month. It sucked balls and I hated it. Mostly because all my lesson plans had to be about morals and ethics. But also because the kids were really annoying.