Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday Confessions || 5-10-2020

2017 was the year that I finally used up all the pages in my first sketchbook that I got when I was SIXTEEN. So only like twenty years. And this year I finally finished the sketchbook I bought in my early twenties. So that is TWO sketchbooks I have owned in my life.

I don't know why I'm so precious with my sketchbooks, my younger sister has gone through DOZENS. I've bought myself two more in hopes it doesn't take as long! Like, just sketch your heart out girl.

I found a drawing that I did in 2001/2002 (I didn't date it) of my older sister's cat Alize. I drew this when we shared our first apartment together (it was both our first apartment, and our first apartment together. I should do a timeline of all the places I've lived...in San Jose. I never move far, lols). I decided to frame it for her. Her kitty passed away a few years ago so I thought it would be more appropriate in her hands then lost in my sketchbook.

I hadn't seen my sister in a few years, so I wanted to complete it before she was in town. I wasn't sure of when the next time we would meet in person and I didn't want to bother with mailing it. We met up for dinner after work (this was... November 2019) and she chose House of Genji. I would have liked a more quiet personal dinner, it was hard to have a conversation with the chef cooking in front of you and putting on a show.

She seemed to like the drawing, I think??? And I hope we can meet up for dinner again. She turns 40 this summer so I hope she is planning something. I already bought her a gift ;) It's been in my closet since December, ha. I like to be prepared!