Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Not a Sponsored Post (But it should be) || Common Good and Co.

If you would have asked me a few months ago what I thought about the scent of lavender, especially for cleaning products, I would have been pretty negative about it. It's too flowery (hello, its a flower, I know), suffocating and old-lady.

Then on a whim, I bought this all-purpose cleaner, though to be fair, the purchasing decision was 10 percent the non-toxic nature of the product and 90 percent because of the glass bottle. I mean, look at it! I figured that I would just grudgingly use up the lavender flavor and re-fill it with something else.
BUT THEN I USED IT. It was this delightful, light, and almost sweet scent, and I was in love. Even a few hours after I've used it, if I walk back into that room I can still smell it, like, in a good way. I immediately went online directly to the brand website to pin all their stuff for later, because I still had some odds and bits left of other cleaners that I should use up first.
I would like to try their bergamot scent, but I will be buying all.the.things in lavender first. My cats are constantly vomiting up grass and hairballs (#catlife is #glamlife), so I use all-purpose spray quite a bit!