Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 1-06-2019

Random bits of confessions I found through my drafts (not sure if I used them already and I'm too lazy to check):

I almost NEVER get any new followers, like real ones, on Bloglovin. NEVER. Usually, it's just people adding me so I will add them, then they unfollow me. Rude! Even that only happens like once a year. Or just bots. Sexy, sexy bots that want me to click on their sexy links. But recently I have gotten a new follower who actually reads my blog. The only thing is: I'm the only blog they are following. Weird, right??? It feels weird to me. Who is this person! Are they from my real life? Is this a fake profile/name? WHY. If not, how did they find my blog? Why are they only following my blog?
(EDIT: I don't remember this nor do I remember the name to check if they have since followed other blogs)

My husband has been extra... in the mood. He says he is always in the mood (lie! you've said no to me before ;) ) but the other night we just had sex, rolled over for sleep, and like five minutes later he was back on my side wanting more. DUDE. I'm not trying to be the gatekeeper of our sex life, but omg I want my sleep. It takes him like two minutes to fall asleep to my 20-40 minute process. And sex with him is very rarely a less than 20-minute thing so in my head I'm thinking I will not get to sleep for like another hour at least and that is not okay because I'm feeling drowsy NOW. Sorry, husband :(

So I was looking up blueprints of bomb shelters on google like one does, and I don't think most of these are designed with introverts in mind. Some of them are designed where you walk through someone else's bedroom to get to your room if you are lucky to have the one in the back. Some are just one giant room with everything in it (beds, kitchen, living room, storage).

AHHHHH. Like, building one of these what's the minimum amount of time that one thinks is going to be spent in there? What kind of threat, that would make a bomb shelter necessary, would be over in a week or less? Because I really don't think I could do more than 7 days in one room with three other people. Or even one other person. Sorry, husband. Maybe I'm just overestimating threat times, but it does seem like a lot of effort/money for a few days. Though I guess if it saves your life, can you put a price on that?

I'm not planning on building a bomb shelter, I just like to waste my time on the internet apparently. But if I were, and I had the money, I think I would go with the honeycomb pattern ones, those seem like the better designs.