Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Confessions || 11-4-2018


I was in the bathroom at work when I noticed a hair on top of my head that looked much lighter than the rest. I forgot about it until that night and went into the bathroom to look at it, but since it was exactly on top of my head and a bit short, it was really hard to see. So I plucked it. But the lighting in the bathroom at night is really yellow so I still couldn't tell if it was a grey hair or blondish. So I stuck it in a container to look at later when there was natural light. Yup, totally a grey hair, well, half greyish white the other bit light blond, and one of those thick, wiry ones of mine. Great. ON TOP OF MY HEAD. My first one, guys! So I put it back in the jar which Neil said wasn't weird at all. IT TOTALLY ISN'T NEIL. I haven't decided what I will do if I find more. Leave them? Dye them?


I started to joke with Neil that I was now officially an old lady with an old lady body and he said that's ok, you're allowed to get old, I still love you :) AWWWWWW, thanks guy!


Keeping my grey hair made me think there should be adult "firsts" books like there are baby firsts. First paycheck stub! First long-term relationship! First legal drink! First apartment key! First grey hair! Right? No? 


I was praising my Izze of being all better and not vomiting anymore and even climbed up on the roof recently which she hasn't done in ages... then I come home to vomit on the tile near the stairs... from the upstairs, which also ran down the wall and down the banister. And more vomit in the upstairs hallways. AND MORE VOMIT ON THE BED which went through the comforter, fitted sheet, and BOTH MATTRESS PROTECTORS. Gah.