Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Monday, February 19, 2018

Dream a little Dream | Fremont Blogger Girl

Because everyone likes hearing about your dreams. And by dreams, I mean like literal dreams you have at night, not like future hopes.

And by everyone, I mean no one.

Also, I had this dream back in December but decided to write it as a post for this blog instead of the old one.


I was on the bus charging my phone on my way to Fremont (an actual city that actually exists in real life) to surprise visit a blogger I've never met but was an avid reader. (In real life I do not know any blogger that lives in Fremont, just to be clear.)

She was surprised to see me (hello surprise visit! And I know your specific address apparently. Totally not creepy) because I'm guessing she wasn't that familiar with me, only just vaguely.

We hang out a bit in her room (which is decorated like a 90's sitcom bedroom, super bright and tons of ruffles) and her mom comes up and asks her if she wanted to go to the grocery store. Blogger-Girl offhandedly ask me if I want to go and I want to go and I decline stating that I couldn't go because I was still in my pajamas (though apparently taking the bus and visiting a stranger in PJs is totes ok).

(Subtext told me in my dream that she had texted her mom to come rescue her, they didn't really need to go to the store. But they kind of wanted me to go to the store so they could be like ok trip over, time for you to go home, buy! But dream me was still being naive (read: dumb) and weird and didn't understand this. Other people dream like this too, right, where you know what is going on but your "character" doesn't? So you know what's going on but are also confused at the same time because you are both the character and the writer of this story/dream???)

Even though I decline the invite, Blogger-Girl and mom leave for the grocery store which means I'm now alone in this girls room. I try to change into the day clothes I brought with me (why did I bring a change of clothes. Why not just be dressed in normal clothes to begin with? Why did I not mention these change of clothes when they asked me to go to the store? So. Many. Questions.). I didn't want to still be in my PJ's when she came back, but for some reason, they just didn't fit right (the jean shorts were cut so short my booty was hanging out) so I figured PJs was better than those. (This is something Dream Heather and I can both agree on).

I stay at the house FOREVER. It's like 8 at night when I finally decide that I should go home, she isn't coming back from the store (keep in mind that they left THAT MORNING). I am now sitting downstairs at the table in the kitchen (it's an outdated styled kitchen, think dark yellows and dark wood cabinets). I confess this to her (dad? husband? boyfriend?) another housemate, that I realize that what I've done wasn't the best idea, it just seemed like a good idea at the time and I'm feeling awkward and weird and creepy now (no shit). Also, I don't mention this to him, but I kind of wanted to leave sooner, but I had left my charger on the bus and my phone was about to die and I didn't want to waste the battery life calling for a ride in case Blogger-Girl called me (there is no end to my creepy-stalkerishness in this dream).

Dream now cuts to the next day, and I'm in a classroom (I have no idea what age I am in this dream), we are doing a mock trial involving a famous basketball player (what class is this), and I'm hiding in the back when Blogger-Girl walks in with her grandma in a wheelchair (what is it with all her family in this dream) and asks loudly if it's okay that she is late. The teacher says, no problem, Heather (the teacher thought she was me for some reason even though I'm already in the class. Surprise, I'm both people???). The Blogger-Girl sits in the desk in front of me, doesn't look at me directly, just kind of turns her head to the side and says, hey, do you still want to be friends?

And then I woke up.

Anyone want to psychoanalyze my dream for me? Actually, please no, don't.