Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday Confessions || 1-31-2021


I just spent almost $80 on fake fish. I tried to find it at my local stores but no luck so I was like ok but I want to try it. I go to the official website, and you have to order a certain amount of each item. So... let's hope I like it??

You: "Why are your savings so paltry?"

Me: "Hm, it's a mystery! I'm so prudent with my money!"


Neil and I finally watched the movie Parasite. I went in knowing NOTHING about the movie. It just kept going in directions... that I was like. What. I'm not sure if I'd watch it again, but it was interesting.


My kryptonite with cleaning is PAPERS. I don't know how I end up with just stacks of random paperwork that needs to be sorted and put away/thrown out. This week I finally was like, hey. Just do five pieces a day and if you feel like doing more, fine, but if not, just as long as you dealt with five. It's slow progress but better slow than nothing! Another project I would like to tackle is my box of envelopes and Christmas cards. I have ones saved since like 2015. Why. Mostly it's to save the addresses... but I could just make a Google Doc of them and get rid of the box? Or at least most of the box. I make my own paper problems.


My husband was showing me some shoes he just bought and after he handed me one he started laughing. I was like what? Apparently, the juxtaposition of the shoe next to my tiny pinhead was hilarious. I was like, well, the shoe is big but not like comically big? And he just looked at me and was like, YOU ARE SMALL. He took a photo with the shoe next to my head to show me. I didn't understand what was funny until I saw the photo and could see what he was seeing. BIG SHOE TINY HEAD. We are doing just fine with quarantine, thanks for asking ;)