Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Confessions || 4-26-2020


Neil ended up ordering and picking up some cupcakes from Sprinkles for his birthday so I will postpone my Frankenstein brownie experiment :)


I've been trying to go through pantry items, especially items that have just been sitting there. One thing was a bunch of hot chocolate packets I had bought from Costco, they came in these cute little tins that I got rid of awhile ago. Neither my husband or I are huge chocolate people, so these packets have been in there for two winters??? No idea. So I've been having a cup of hot chocolate every morning. I am getting very, very tired of hot chocolate. So note to self: just because the tins are cute, don't buy the hot chocolate, you will never finish it.


Also, I am waiting to order any snacks online until we have almost none. I thought we would be done with most of them by now but I guess we (me?) haven't been in a snacky mood. Or what is left isn't really what we like? There is a bunch of cereal he needs to eat, I'm not really a cereal person.


Neil and I also started looking at the expiration dates on our condiments, and I SWEAR we do this every summer but I guess not cause there was stuff that expired in 2014. HOW. Most were expired 2017, so maybe that's the last time we did it??? Gah. Or maybe my pantry backups are old by the time we get to them??