Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 12-29-2019


Last confession post of the year! 

Outside cat James got TOO comfortable in our house and starting peeing on everything. My shoes. The cat tree. Neils pile of shirts in the corner. The heating VENT. So now our whole house smells like cat pee and he isn't allowed inside any more :(


My weighted blanket continues to be a blessing! Neil normally snores way more in the cold winter months and I have been sleeping blissfully unaware :) He has also been giving me a "head start" of about 20 minutes or so (honestly sometimes I don't know because I'm already asleep!) since he falls asleep so fast and I don't. I think I love this guy ;)


2019 was the year of health/beauty for me:

--capped my two front teeth to fix the broken one finally
--got a DevaCut
--drank more water daily
--started being more serious about my skincare (using toner and eye cream now in addition to daily moisturizer and sunblock)
--made more vegan choices
--switched my empty calorie granola bars for protein bars
--established more of my personal style
--started taking a daily B12 vitamin

Yay for health.