Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

This or That

Waffle or Cake Cone

Cake: fight me :) Now, the SMELL of waffle cones will always be amazing, but I would rather a cake cone if I get a cone. Most times I will just get a small (non-edible) cup if I order ice cream because I feel like that is way less messy and there isn't always an option on cones. But at home, I will sometimes buy a box of cake cones for the summer. I actually really like the texture!

Laundry or Dishes

No. Ha. Hmm. The dishes are a shorter chore, but you can't do anything else when you are doing them, while with laundry you can do that in between doing other things/nothing. Gah. I hate both honestly. But I guess I will go with...dishes. Not happily though.

Bananas or Apples

Apples, hands down. I really do not care for bananas. Fresh bananas. Now, fake banana flavored things? Yes. But like, if you offered me actual fruit I will not choose the banana. Every once in a while, a thinly sliced banana in cereal with extra cold milk, where the banana gets really, really cold might taste ok.

Christmas or Halloween

Halloween! I love the dressing up and the decor, the relatively SHORT season it takes up. Christmas seems to take up half the year and the expectations of gifts and such can be stressful.

Beer or Wine

Hmm. I like Prosecco or Rose, but those flavored blue moons (like apricot) are good... But I guess that is pretty specific, so I guess wine. If it's the ones I mentioned. I don't really like either, and would rather a cocktail than beer/wine. I've been to lots of breweries and have yet to go to a winery, though it seems like a fun/fancy thing to do! But there is all that wine you have to act like you are enjoying. So maybe not.

Crepes or Pancakes

CREPES. Crepes, crepes, crepes! Hands down the clear winner. I like them sweet (blueberries and mascarpone is a good combo), I like them savory (a play on a BLT with avocado, tomatoes, baco-bits, and mayo)... So yummy!!!

Vietnamese Coffee or Thai Iced Tea

I adore both, but the Thai Iced Tea wins by a slight margin. The sweet floral orange goodness, gimmie gimmie. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for bitter coffee flavor, but I'm almost always in the mood for something just sweet.

PC or Console

#PCmasterrace /s Ha. I'm not a "real" gamer as far as I feel, but I really like the point and click adventure games from the 90's. Wish those were more profitable so there would be more out there! Though JustDance is very fun, but you don't really need to know how to use the controller to play, just have (try) to move your body.