Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Inktober 2019

This collage is in order of most likes to the least. Interesting for me: my personal most liked (little wizard guy) was the least liked on Instagram! I'm not quite sure what my exact order would be, but I think it would look pretty different than this.

I honestly thought I had joined last year, but it was TWO years ago, whoops, ha. I wanted to push myself to make more effort on my drawings from my first attempt in 2017, but the prompts this year were really difficult! Though overall, I am pleased with what I was able to produce (though I really wish I spent just a tad more time on most of the drawings). This seems to be the only thing that motivates me to draw, so I am going to look for more challenges off-line.

I was surprised at which drawings got more likes than others, my favorites were very different! I also found a few new artists to follow, there are some super talented people out there.
1. Ring [31 Likes]
I think this got the most likes just because it was the first drawing and everyone is always super involved at first, ha. I've always enjoyed drawing mushrooms so I wanted my first drawing to be "easy" for me. I sent this drawing to my sister (we share what art/creative projects we are working on with each other) since she doesn't have social media, and she was like, that's nice... what is it. Ha. It's a fairy ring!!! She said it was confusing at first.
2. Mindless [13 Likes]
I was stumped with this one so I was like... brainless then, I guess? With more mushrooms? Neil was like, I don't get why mushrooms. BECAUSE THEY ARE EASY TO DRAW.
3. Bait [24 Likes]
Tons of other people also drew an angler fish, this was a very common interpretation!
4. Freeze [14 Likes]
I wanted to draw a brain on an icecream cone for "brain freeze" but brains are really hard to draw.
5. Build [12 Likes]
So, I notice if a prompt has me stumped, I go with a mushroom, lolsss. So this is my mushroom build[ing].
6. Husky [19 Likes]
I was thinking of trying to draw an actual husky dog but yeah, no. I have never tried to draw a dog before and it was not great.
7. Enchanted [13 Likes]
Just general witchy things.
8. Frail [10 Likes]
This is one that was one of my favorites that didn't get that many likes. Look at this gnomey wizard guy! I wanted to draw an old man, but faces are hard yo. So I made an old man wizard!
9. Swing [13 Likes]
I drew and inked this one really quick. I was working on a different drawing for this prompt but didn't finish in time, so I changed it a bit to work for another prompt. Getting a drawing done every day is not that easy!
10. Pattern [14 Likes]
Another quick drawing to meet the deadline. Pinterest helped, ha.
11. Snow [11 Likes]
My carrot nose was looking funky, so scarf over the face to the rescue!
12. Dragon [13 Likes]
I drew one wing then flipped the drawing over to trace it on the other side. Apparently drawing wings is like drawing eyes, one comes out decent the other one trash.
13. Ash [16 Likes]
This was the hardest prompt so far. I was like I DON'T KNOW!!! Though AFTER, I was like, I could have tried to draw an urn. A cigarette was the most popular interpretation.
14. Overgrown [13 Likes]
I wanted to do a secret garden door with a bunch of different plants and flowers growing over it but turned out to be a little too ambitious for my level. So more mushrooms!
15. Legend [16 Likes]
Another toughie for me. I went with a simple Loch Ness Monster.
16. Wild [14 Likes]
Wildflowers! My husband suggested that I draw a wolf, but once again, I am a terrible dog drawer. How this got more likes than mister wizard I will never know!!!
17. Ornament [10 Likes]
Didn't even try to be more creative with the prompt, keeping it easy!
18. Misfit [13 Likes]
I saw a similar drawing on Pinterest and wanted to re-create. My goldfish looks weird, but I didn't actually look at any photos of goldfish to get it right. Next time.
19. Sling [10 Likes]
This gave me a headache I was like I have no ideaaaa. I was trying to maybe draw a creature's arm in a sling but that wasn't coming out great at all. I ask my husband what he would draw for this prompt and he was like, a baseball. Or football. Frisbee. And I was like, huh? And he was like, yeah, like throwing? Oh! My sports balls were coming out strange so I went with sling[shot] instead.
20. Tread [13 Likes]
So I don't think I've ever drawn a vehicle before, ha. When I read "tread" I immediately thought of tire tread and just couldn't think of anything else. So I powered through and did my best.
21. Treasure [13 Likes]
Finally, a noun! Not going to lie, I was starting to get a little overwhelmed with drawing every day. I know it's a self-imposed pointless goal, but I wanted to complete this challenge with "perfect" marks! And by perfect I mean not skipping or being late for any prompts.
22. Ghost [14 Likes]
I hope next year's list is mostly nouns, this was another easy one to try to brainstorm. I drew a few different ghosts but decided to try to incorporate a few more details/characters (and by that I mean cat) to make it more interesting. Wish I made the cat's eyes less wonky... (That line is a paper covering up another drawing)
23. Ancient [14 Likes]
Tiny little llama! I was trying to aim for an "aztecian" vibe.
24. Dizzy [12 Likes]
This was the one I intended for swing, but I'm glad I used it for this prompt. I didn't have any other ideas! Also, those are supposed to be frogs, those dang things went through lots of trial and error believe it or not. And lordy wish I made the top of the mushroom larger than the bottom, was trying to go for a different angled look? Not sure it really worked out.
25. Tasty [11 Likes]
Another tiny drawing. It's much easier to try to "bang" these out on the daily, but I really tried not to do this too much. Trying to challenge myself!
26. Dark [15 Likes]
This word had me stumped. I wanted to ink out the sky instead of the kitty but that wasn't turning out very well for me.
27. Coat [15 Likes]
I kind of cheated with this one, I found a sketch I did two years ago and finished it for this prompt. And I think I double cheated because I think this sketch was based on a drawing I saw on Pinterest.
28. Ride [17 Likes]
So, drawing vehicles is a very difficult thing. I was going to go with a frog on a snail, but I reminded myself I was supposed to be challenging myself on the artistic side as well! I mean, the frog and snail still would be challenging, but I've drawn both before.
29. Injured [17 Likes]
Pudgy little voodoo doll, love this guy.
30. Catch [17 Likes]
Pinterest to the rescue again, ha. I needed inspiration BAD. SO CLOSE, SO CLOSE.
31. Ripe [13 Likes]
I made it to the end! Phew! Though looking back at the prompt list, they do post it in ADVANCE so maybe next year I need to be more proactive and get my brainstorming done earlier so it doesn't feel so hectic.

Totally going to have to join next year for Inktober 2020! Did anyone else participate? Or participate in a different challenge?