Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 10-13-2019


Sometimes I like to match my undies to my blouse or dress for no reason whatsoever. I almost never match my bra and chonies, if it happens, it's almost always by accident. 


I like to joke that I'm a "trash person" because I do have some... trash habits. I had dropped some mike and ikes on the floor on the rug in front of my couch, but I didn't notice until I came home from work. I picked them up and immediately popped them into my mouth. My husband saw and asked "did you just eat candy off of the floor?" me: "...no?" He said that if I had at least PAUSED before tossing them back, it would make him feel better that I at least thought about NOT EATING FLOOR CANDY. Never. I will never not eat floor candy at my house.


I took the day off for my birthday to finally have a day just to myself but then I had to get my flu shot so my husband was kind to take a half-day so he could take me. Then my sister came over to spend the night. I still had a good time, just not very much introverting. I am hoping to plan for another REAL day off but I have other stuff I need to request for. Sigh.