Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Monday, April 8, 2019

What I Wore || The Amazing Coat

I've been drooling over this coat for a year after finding it on Pinterest randomly. Finally, I was like, fuck it, I'm buying it. AND I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. I feel like these photos don't really do it justice at all.
It's got this great nubby texture, floral lining, pockets, and an inside pocket. It's large enough on me that I could layer it over a sweater as well if it was that cold. It wasn't. Just looking at this beautiful beast in my closet makes me smile.
The first time I wore it to work I got comments from EVERYONE. One coworker said I looked like I was from New York :) Needless to say, I felt pretty fire this day. It was another jean Friday at work, we get one on the last Friday of every month. I think this outfit wins to wear outside of work, I've been wanting to try to elevate my going out to the movies/lunch outfits.
Coat || Oilily
Jeans || Express (or Abercrombie? They look the same to me, I cannot remember what I put on)
Booties || Vince Camuto (old)