Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

And the oldest post in my drafts folders goes to...

Why didn't I post it? No idea. I wrote this when I thought being at my last job for five years was a long time...I had no idea I was going to be there another FIVE YEARS.


I do not talk about my job very much in person, and I think about none when it comes to blogging. There is a reason. Or several. One: it's really boring and monotonous. There really isn't much to say about it. My husband will be dutiful and ask every day and usually, I respond (with mime) that I typed. Cause that's what I do. I'm a data-entry monkey. The job is not glamorous. The pay is lousy. It does not require you to be skilled or educated. I work in a warehouse, so its dirty (concrete floors, dust everywhere). The air conditioning and heat rarely work so I'm either sweating or freezing. Half the employees do not speak English very well so communication can be difficult. There are about 100 employees at this location (I think there are three), only 2.5 of us do data entry. This means: I'm alone most of the time. I stay at my desk ALL THE TIME (this isn't mostly a personal choice, I don't have a car so I'm stuck, and the building is surrounded by parking lots. there is a bit of grass to sit on in the front, but that is right next to a four-lane busy street so it's loud). Even on my breaks. I very rarely venture out of the Data Entry room. Sometimes I go to the breakroom on the other side of the warehouse to eat my lunch. I do not know everyone's name or job title or job duties and I've been here for five years.

Despite my reclusiveness and the alienation of my job, I have managed to get friendly with a few employees:

Data Entry Girls: Mary and Rafaela (She is the "half" because she actually works in three different warehouses so she is only in this room for a few hours a day). This is obvious, we share the same room for a good amount of time so we get chatty. All of our desks are facing different walls so it makes it obvious if we are not working because we will be turned around which our supervisor can see through the window from the hallway. I have realized that it's really hard to talk to someone and NOT look at them. Yes, we have a window into our room. We call it the fishbowl. I try to cover it up with seasonal decorations, but not to the point that it seems obvious that I'm trying to cover it up. No, I can't show pictures because this is a secure facility and photos are verboten. I had to have a thorough background check and be fingerprinted to work here.

Drivers: These guys bring me my boxes so I've gotten to know them because they invade my personal space. Dave (supervisor of drivers) and Johnnie (there are more drivers, which I'm polite with but do not interact with much because they do not pick up many boxes that need to be brought to the data entry room so I do not see them that often). It turns out that Dave lives only a couple of blocks from me. We share a love of cats and a loathing of other people. It's awesome.

Imaging Department (this is on the other side of the warehouse): Chio and Martha. I know these people because of the breakroom. When I go on my lunch, these ladies are clocking out. They start their day at about 5:30 am I think. So early!!! Chio is a sweet Japanese lady that I just found out is 60!!! but looks more like 45. She is so fashionable, I feel so frumpy in my clothes and frizzy hair next to her with her heels and perfectly coordinated outfit. Though she calls me "cute girl" so that makes me feel a little better.

There are other people that I chat with a little: Lawrence (driver), Nick (set-up room), Joanna (puller), Jimmy (supervisor of pullers), Martin (supervisor of warehouse guys), Chris (supervisor of VA boxes: he is the only supervisor that has no one to supervise), Justine (my direct supervisor) and Jeff (boss of my boss and one step below big boss Steve). A lot of bosses. Even though a boss is not my direct boss, they are still my boss and pay attention to my work, if I'm working (and not talking) and if I'm making errors. Arrr. So that part is a little stressful. [EDIT: GIRL YOU DON'T KNOW STRESS. SHUT THE FUCK UP]

So why have I been here for five years? I hate to admit it, but I love my job. I shouldn't yet I do. It is the most stress free job I've ever had. I'm left to my own devices about 99.99% of the time. I don't have to deal with customers. I just come to work, do my job, and leave.  No morning do I dread coming to work. How awesome is that?