Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 2-17-2019


My coworker is engaged to a man that has a 12-year-old daughter, and it's so amusing to hear the little stories of this girl starting to figure herself out and thinking she is so grown already. This girl was wearing a Metallica shirt and asked her dad while pointing to her shirt "do you even KNOW who this is?" which he went to my coworker and laughed and repeated what she asked. My coworker told him, well, that seals it, she does not think you are cool. Apparently, since all her TWELVE-year-old friends never heard of them, she felt like it was some underground shit or something??? I told my coworker to start wearing really basic band tees and asking her the same question, ha. I also told my husband the story and he laughed and was like, god, don't tell me her favorite album is the black album. (obviously paraphrasing, I don't think my husband uses the word god like that, ha)


It's been so rainy here I haven't been able to take the kittens outside and they are getting so STIR CRAZY. But yay for rain!


Izze is tolerating her chemo ok I think? Her weight loss has slowed down a lot, she has lost three pounds so that is a relief. Getting her morning meds down her throat is...not my favorite. Or hers. Only 27 more weeks or so, bleh. I may or may not have started crying in frustration the other day after she spat them up for the THIRD TIME after wrestling with her in the bathroom forever. She might be sick but she is not putting up with that shit.