Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 2-03-2019


There's a running joke between me and my husband regarding my age, that I was actually born way before the 1980s, more like the 1880s, ha.

Recent references that made my husband shake his head:

- Frito Bandito
- Chock full of Nuts Coffee

I very rarely have any references or quotes to add to a conversation that are within the past twenty years.


I'm not a full vegetarian/vegan, just on that cusp of reducing my meat intake, which I've been slowly moving towards for the past few years. At first, my husband was really negative and almost... hurt? He said that was one thing that we shared as an interest, a nice steak restaurant, which hello if you take me I will eat there, that hasn't changed. Anyways. Recently he asked if Jack in the Box was ok because he knew it didn't have any vegetarian options for me and he said we could go somewhere else if I wanted. I was so touched! LOVE YOU HUSBAND!


My husband loves wrestling, the US version, and the Japanese version, and he has friends that do as well and they take turns going over to each other's homes to watch the "big deal" ones, whatever you would call them. Anyway. This time it was our house and, to be honest, I DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO NEIL TALKING ABOUT IT. Because it's wrestling. And boring. So I figured it was another guy thing, of Neil and one or two of his friends showing up to watch and I could go upstairs and disappear and do my thing alone with the cats. Then I was at work and my brother randomly was in the breakroom when I was on my break (we work at the same company but very rarely see each other, ever. I've worked there almost two years now (!!!!) and I've seen him maybe... half a dozen times? And spoken to him less than that? This was my first time ever seeing him in the breakroom. Anyways). As I was leaving the breakroom, he was like, see you Saturday! And I was like, oh, righhhht, Saturday... Or Sunday? (I honestly thought it was Sunday) And he was like, no pretty sure Saturday. Right. Of Course. So... Neil made an invite thing on Facebook and made me a host but I never looked at it. So it's actually a larger gathering, and my plans of disappearing are null and void. I have no excuse for being unaware, Neil has been talking about it for almost two weeks and included me in the guest list. Oy. So maybe I should listen to my husband more. (it turned out to be 14 people and 4 dogs. Puppy Party!!!)