Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nakanishi Family || Five Cats

My blogger friend Becky from United States of Becky suggested that I do a post about my hoard of cats. Ok, she may not have used the word "hoard" but there are five of them which is my city limit, which feels crazy cat lady status confirmed.

Soya (soy-ah)

Born in 2007

Likes: going outside, rolling around in the dirt, guarding the backyard, chasing the outside cats, being brushed, the smell of bleach, asking to go outside and then back in a million times a day
Dislikes: being stuck inside, rain (sprinkles are ok), most wet food, the vacuum cleaner, being picked up, the cat carrier, the suitcases (will sit on them in an attempt to keep us from leaving), closed doors, other animals being in her yard especially if she is stuck inside, the new kittens especially Kazu
Pros: independent, squishy, too fat to climb fences
Cons: crankiest crank that ever cranked (she does NOT have a sweet voice), insistent yelling to go outside/garage/inside kitchen cabinets, can open the kitchen drawers
Cute factor: tilts her head to the side when she wants pets, lies next to Neil on the bed in front of the fan when she gets too hot, sits like a little geisha-doll on her cat chair, waits for us in the hallway by the garage door for us to get home from work
Weird thing: likes to use the wall or a table leg as a pillow

Toki short for Tokidoki (toe-key-doe-key)

Born in 2007

Likes: getting petted, being vacuumed, being brushed, being combed, house guests, being at the vet, sleeping in the cat carrier, Taco Bell cheese, her heated cat bed, going potty outside, sleeping in the bathroom in the summer
Dislikes: some dogs, the kittens
Pros: friendly, submissive, easy to trim claws, easy to put on flea meds
Cons: drools like a faucet when you pet her, can't figure out to keep her claws in when you pet her, gets a stinky vagina from being over stimulated from petting her, random yelling sessions in the garage, random yelling sessions in the hallway at night
Cute factor: lifts her paw up when she wants pets, her sing-song purrs, snores in her sleep, always walks around with her tail up, will fall into a deep sleep with head face down
Weird thing: when she walks about super slow in an attempt to be invisible to the other cats (this doesn't work, I don't know why she persists)

Izze short for Isabella (nickname spelled after the soda)

Born in 2009

Likes: being the only cat upstairs, sharpening her claws with her teeth, taking naps with me, McDonald's vanilla caramel sundaes 
Dislikes: being picked up, told to come inside, told to get off the bed, being combed, being brushed, being cold, the rain, flea meds, getting her nails trimmed, just seeing the cat carrier, being in the cat carrier, going to the vet, being at the vet, house guests, dogs, the broom, the mailman, the vacuum cleaner, the doorbell, being touched when she doesn't want to be touched, being touched even if she asked to be touched, Trick or Treaters, me paying attention to anyone that isn't her, the new kittens especially Kazu, Toki, Soya, the turtle
Pros: will just sit with me while I fold laundry, easy to move around when we are napping
Cons: bites (has been trying to bite my nose, with some success, since 2009), sharp claws and uses them, mean, cries if we are downstairs and she is upstairs, impossible to trim her nails, incredibly difficult to put on flea meds, jealous personality, vomits hairballs on the bed, under the bed, on the windowsills, down the stairs, from upstairs to downstairs, basically EVERYWHERE, will only eat her breakfast and dinner upstairs, can't figure out how to drink water without making a huge mess, starts fights with the other cats, climbs the house and expects us to open the upstairs hallway window for her to get down
Cute factor: nurses for comfort on her bed, has a favorite rug that she rolls around on, has a favorite toy (penguin) that she carries around, will pull on my arm when it's time for our nap
Weird thing: cries with Penguin in her mouth when she is alone upstairs

Kazu (ka-zoo) short for Kazuchika Okada

Born in 2018

Likes: running water, all the human food, being carried (even up and down the stairs!), being carried like a baby, most house guests, midnight bathroom time with Neil, the vet, CATNIP, TREATS, playing fetch, the broom, sticks, climbing, my plants, Toki's stinky vagina
Dislikes: dogs bigger than him, being barked at, catfighting noises, when the older cats are mean to him, not being able to go outside
Pros: friendly, playful, not a picky eater, docile, lets you touch his paws and belly
Cons: likes human food, will try to take your food away from you (and by you I mean me, they leave Neil alone), steals the other cat's wet food, cannot fold laundry around him, destroyed my indoor tree, determined to get outside and jump the fence
Cute factor: his big blue eyes, his meow that he only does when he is concerned or wants outside, his balls (Neil says no, leave his balls out of this), when he presses his whole body against you when he wants pets, super sweet personality
Weird thing: standing up to poop and pee that he does sometimes

MiSu (me-sue) short for Minoru Suzuki

Born in 2018

Likes: CUDDLES, pets, house guests, going outside, chasing bugs, TREATS (omg this girl goes nuts), catnip, the plastic springy toy, playing fetch, biting my favorite blanket until it squeaks between her teeth
Dislikes: her outside harness, being carried for too long
Pros: SUPER friendly, brave, easy going, lets you touch her paws and belly, smart
Cons: vampire nursing, wakes me up at five in the morning every morning (that is an average, she sometimes starts at three and just continues every hour until I get up. I am not a fan of this), knows how to force open the back door if it's not closed all the way, presses all the random keys on my laptop which then I have to hand to Neil to undo because it's now all wonky, chews on cords (huge con for Neil)
Cute factor: has a lot to talk about all the time (even in her sleep!), always wants to cuddle, her top lip is black her bottom lip is bright pink, has multi-colored toes and beans, follows me everywhere
Weird thing: likes to lick the rims of cups