Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday Confessions | 1-21-2018


I feel like every time I go through my Yahoo email account (which I use for shopping and junk I have give my email address to...) and start unsubscribing to things cause it's getting out of hand... I feel like they sell my address to spam. Cause suddenly, like a week or so later, I start getting emails from stuff I've never heard of. It's like out of spite. Oh yeah, you think you are getting too much email? Well how about now, bitch?


I ran out of canned cat food and was a bit puzzled how once again I miscounted. Usually (well, okay, not these past two times), I'm pretty good at having Amazon ship some more before I run out. So I order some more. Then I go to tidy up some mess in the garage that I had been ignoring because it's too cold in there and lo and behold... A box full of canned cat food. D'oh. I also did this with bleach. Thought I was out, went to Costco and bought a 3-pack, and then discovered I still had two unopened bottles already at home in the garage. If you are doing the math, I am now the proud owner of a million bottles of bleach and a million cans of cat food.


There was an earthquake a few weeks ago, one large enough to kind of mention, that happened about 2 in the morning. I actually woke up because I heard the doors to the bedroom rattle, but I thought it was my cat playing and running into them so I went back to sleep. My husband asked me later if I felt the earthquake and I was like, ha, is that what that was!!! Apparently it shook the bed pretty good, but since I'm so accostomed to my husband shaking the bed it didn't phase me. So that's a plus I guess? Because really, there isn't much to do when an earthquake is going on except panic. Or in my case, sleep.