Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Confessions || 4-05-2020


My husband was being extra careful about this whole covid thing, and once he found out there was a case at my work all physical contact was OFF the table. A couple of  (!!!) weeks go by and finally I get him to cave to some sexy time. He kisses me and looks at me and I smile and say "And now you got the 'rona" 

I keep it sexy always ;)


So this past week was my first official week of "quarantine" since the previous weeks I was still going to work. 

What has been the same:
--Getting up at 6:15 am
--Going downstairs to feed the cats
--Cleaning out the litter boxes
--Brushing my teeth and cleaning/moisturizing my face
--Eating my morning protein bar and B12 supplement
--Make dinner, do the dishes
--Take a shower, new jammies
--Go to bed at 9ish (it takes me a LONG time to fall asleep, like 40 minutes so I need to get a head start on that to get my 8 hours. The weighted blanket has helped me not waking up so much through the night, but I still can't fall asleep fast and I almost ALWAYS wake before the alarm)

What has changed:
--I only change my top (the first day I didn't and I got an ugly zit on my back, ew) but keep my pj -bottoms on (which are just yoga pants)
--No contacts
--No deodorant (prolly shouldn't skip this, ha)
--My hair is wild, man

Thank goodness my husband can look at this stinky mess and still say I love you and nice butt :)


I don't know how other people are managing with more people and less space. My house is really too much house for two people for normal life, but it's just the right amount of house for two people in quarantine, ha.


Also, I think it took until Friday for my cats to really start to understand that we were home all day. Up until then, they did their normal routine of taking naps in the bedroom. By Friday, Misu was in full force cuddle mode in the office, needing lots of attention. Chewing on all the cables, running off with the tape, stepping all over the keyboard... AND the two older cats ventured upstairs and wanted attention. I think their old bones don't like going up and down the stairs that much.


I am not a fan of the Tik Tok app, but those videos are everywhere. And dang do people have nicely decorated homes!!! Major home envy over here.