Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday Confessions || 3-01-2020


So my not-so-little one got vaginitis somehow (I say not so little because the dang thing is like 14.5 POUNDS). Neil noticed "something wrong" with her backside when we came home from work on Thursday while we were letting her out back. I take a quick look and she looked...puffy. So he makes an appointment for the next day after work to have them check her out. The vet right away knows what it is, and shows me in MORE detail which I was like erm, yeah, I don't need to see that. So now I get to do the very lovely chore of getting her to take meds twice a day. Yay me. Luckily she is not a hell-cat like my departed Isabella, but she might start to because it's like a week or so of antibiotics. 


My coworker accidentally dialed the wrong number the other day, but because she is still new she didn't realize until she tried to cancel the appointment. She had me laughing/crying it was so funny. She called a HOTEL instead of a medical office. We needed to cancel because the patient had expired, and the hotel desk clerk was like, WAIT WHAT. Hahahahahahaa. Maybe you had to be there. It was hilarious, I was legit crying.


So my Soya has an abscess on her cheek, which my husband also noticed because he is great at noticing things that are different. She had gotten into a little tussle with a kitty last Sunday in the backyard, and I thought she was fine, but I really didn't check her over. She had a little smudge on her cheek Wednesday, which my husband had me smell (whyyyyy), and I was like, ew, what the heck is that. So I just tried to clean her cheek, thinking she rubbed against something foul outside. Then I guess it burst while we were at work, so my husband noticed again, now there was something on her face for real. So he holds her and I tug at what seems like a scab, and yeah, it was a scab on an abscess. Luckily it didn't start bleeding or anything, but poor thing has like a hole in her cheek. So I'm keeping a close eye on it in case she needs to go to the vet. What is going on with my little ones!!! I'm feeling like a very bad cat mom right now.