Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunday Confessions || 2-09-2020


My younger sister had a bit of a health "scare" a few months ago where she thought she had a gasto infection or disorder of some kind but turned out to just be... stress. I still don't think it's stress, I think it's from the fact she has very disordered eating but it's such a fine line to press that issue with her. Every time she has a "health issue" I feel like an asshole because my mind immediately rolls its eyes because I know it's bunk and just her being a hypochondriac and not being real about her food intake. 

She will swear up and down she LOVES to eat, and talk about her favorite foods. But as soon as you buy her the favorite thing she just loves so much? She picks and picks and finds reasons why THIS time she doesn't want to eat it.

She went to the doctor and had lots of tests and stool samples taken. And turned out to be nothing. No surprise to me.

So she was complaining that she was having constant diarrhea and NOTHING was fixing it, and then she casually mentioned she found something that wasn't upsetting her tummy. RAW FUCKING POTATO. And I was like, girl, you aren't like, eating a whole fucking raw potato like every day, are you? And she was like, um, maybe, why? And I was like, THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE DIARRHEA YOU FUCKING IDIOT. GOD. 

Not out loud like I wanted to, but my head was exploding.

My family has this thing, where we will nibble on most anything raw. The keyword here: nibble. So if my mom was going to make homemade french fries, we might still a small piece floating in the water bath and eat it with seasoned salt. So the idea of eating raw potato isn't that weird, but the idea of eating a whole one???? Girl. 


And I know that texture is a big part of eating, and I will mention texture as well, but that is her main talking point about every food and when that word comes out of her mouth I want to shake her so hard.

I love my sister, I swear, ha.


Stuff my family has eaten/will eat raw/uncooked: cookie dough. cake mix (both dry and wet). potatoes. frozen french fries. steak. hamburger. cinnamon rolls (from the cylindrical roll thing). bacon. pork sausage. shake and bake in a bowl of milk.