Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 11-17-2019


I spent time on Sunday last week trying to come up with my "artist signature". I remembered a conversation with a friend that he had two signatures, his legal one (for documents) and his "celebrity" one, in case he got famous, he would use that one to sign autographs. I thought that was brilliant, and after Inktober and seeing more artists sign their work with cool signatures, I was like, I need a celebrity signature! So I spent some time brainstorming and think I came up with a good one.


I have 24 tabs open on my computer. Is that too many? I can still see the tab icons so I say it's fine ;)


I think I want to learn how to make crepes. Is there a steep learning curve? I don't even make pancakes. I will eat pancakes, but I'm not like a super fan. In general, I don't make breakfast, the whole process of starting off the day making a mess in the kitchen doesn't appeal to me. Usually, on the weekends Neil will either get us bagel sandwiches or order us some breakfast burritos or some crepes. I try not to "make" him get bagel sandwiches all the time because I can eat that bagel and lox sandwich foreverrrrr. Is there a good vegan substitute for smoked salmon??? I should make a lox crepe...