Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 1-27-2019


There is a driver at my work who just LOVES his wife. I barely go into the breakroom, but anytime I am in there and he is in there, he is in a conversation with someone, and 99% of the time it's about his wife, and how much he loves her. I thought this was super sweet, and mentioned it to my coworker, and she was like, omg, I thought I was the only one hearing those conversations! SO HE DOES IT ALL THE TIME. I don't know his wife, but girl, you have nothing to worry about, your husband LOVES YOU SO HARD.


Last weekend, Neil and I started cleaning up the garage together and threw out SO MUCH STUFF. YAY US!!! My brother and I are going to go halves on a dumpster, so I'm trying to get ready for that to maximize the use. I have a pile of donate/sell/give right now as well. I love it when my husband gets the cleaning bug the same time as me :) There was so much I wouldn't have known what to do with. And so much paint... ugh. Going to have to figure out how to get rid of it.


I also have a lot of wooden objects that I would like to refurbish...but I've never done that before. I'm guessing I will have to clean, sand, stain/paint, and lacquer if staining? No idea. Will have to watch lots of videos and read articles. I have a lamp my dad made in high school, a wooden nuts/bolts case from my great grandfather, a spice rack I want to turn into a nail polish rack (or I did, I only have like three bottles now, so maybe not), and some drawers to a box that is still stuck in the attic that I'm not sure if I want or not. I am also not sure if those drawers do go to that box... Shane is supposed to help me get it down.