Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 12-15-2019


I came down with a cold :( I knew it was just a matter of time, like 80% of my coworkers are sick. Bleh. Now I have to try to keep it away from my husband! Sickness lingers with him for some reason. So I have washed my hands approximately 7453 times this weekend.


My coworker was off for three weeks for her wedding and trying to do the job of two people for that long suuuuuuucks. I have done this now three times, the first time I started I was alone for four weeks, a year later, alone for four weeks, and now just recently, three weeks. It. Is. Torture. She will finally be back on Monday! YAY. She totally deserved her three weeks though. And I am just NOW remembering that I bought a banner to put on her desk Friday afternoon and I totally didn't, d'oh. Whoops.


Went to the movies last weekend with friends and family, EVEN MY MOM (!!!), and my brother was like, you need to take mom clothes shopping. Which made me laugh, because if my BROTHER is noticing that my mom needs new clothes than that is saying something! My mom does NOT enjoy buying clothes, never has. Her last set of clothes were bought by my other sisters a few years ago and... well, I remember seeing my mom wearing one outfit and I was like, really? We have very different tastes, ha. The jeans were...shiny? For some reason???

My mom tries to act like she is mobile but she is not (she has gout and is overweight and doesn't really take care of herself) so I offered to do some online shopping and bring it to her to try on at home. I've never bought clothes for her before, and the sizing is way different than I normally buy so I found it a challenge! I ended up choosing items from American Eagle, Macy's and Dress Barn. I was looking for plus-sized petite jeans and tops. Her inseam (according to both of them through text) was 25. TWENTY FIVE INCHES. WHAT. My inseam is about 29, and I'm shorter than my mom. At least I was before she got old. So the odd sizing was also a reason to do the shopping online.

I know how random sizing is despite clothing sites having size charts do I really have no idea if the stuff I bought will fit. At least I can return some of it. Dress Barn is closing so I really hope at least a few items will work.

For any short legged girls out there, American Eagle has lots of inseam lengths online! Even extra short! Though that stops at size 14. 

Which also, I had asked my mom when we were at the movies what size pants she was currently wearing and she said size 16. Not helpful mom. I need actual measurements!!! NONE of the pants I bought were size 16 according to the measurements they gave me later. They all ranged from 18-22. You've been buying adult clothing for over 50 years, how do you not know your inseam by now? AND YOU USE TO SEW. Not really mad just a little frustrated, ha. I get not always knowing your waist and bust since weight changes and all that, but you don't like, grow or shrink five inches year in year out.

Just being a bratty daughter ;)