Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Gifts for the Sister || 2019 Edition

In August I was just browsing Poshmark and came across this adorable cat print top and immediately thought of her and purchased it. It has skeloton cats wearing coats? Sweaters??? CAPES??? Whatever, it's so random and cute.

My youngest sister is the EASIEST for me to shop for, at least it feels easy. I think/hope she likes most of what I buy her?
She had mentioned that the brushes she uses to paint are the same ones that she has had since High School, so I figured she needed some newer/fancier ones! The fact she uses something like that so much and for such a long time felt like this would be a very useful gift. I don't paint, but the reviews seemed promising!
Then I bought some Llama gummies and a taco truck lunch bag because why not. LLAMA GUMMIES. I treated the lunch bag like a stocking and filled it with random little things. I put the blouse, gummies, hair treatment samples, festive pocket tissues, mint lip balm, chocolate bar, and a crystal nail file in there.

I also bought her some snow boots and a thermal top but I gave those to her early since she was going to visit our dad before our gift exchange. There was going to be snow up there!* She was super excited, I don't think she has been in snow since she was a toddler. I didn't want her to be unsafe so wanted to make sure she had the proper footgear.

*No snow for her visit, it snowed the night after she left! Maybe next year's gift will be a trip to snow...