Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Monday, September 16, 2019

What I Wore || Swingin' Green

I decided to try that "thing" where fashion bloggers tip-toe when they are wearing flats, and dang, it does look much better! I mean, aside from me not noticing that one flat was bowing out. I'm learning, ha.

This dress is going to show up A. LOT. I mean, not this very dress particularly, but because I bought this dress in like five different colors. I LOVE IT. I have like three more sitting in the cart on the website, hoping for a sale. But also hoping they sell out before a sale because I don't need to spend any more money on clothes right now. At least, not until I sell through some stuff on Poshmark. Which I've been neglecting... The upstairs has been crazy with the bathroom remodel.
Dress || Unique Vintage
Flats || Old