Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reverse Bucket List

Saw this idea floating around the internet where instead of writing a list of what you want to accomplish/experience, instead write a list of stuff you've already done/been through! I thought it was an intriguing way to look at life. Why always look at what you haven't done yet?

In no particular order:

-Saw the Grand Canyon

-Visited Arches in Utah

-Vegas as an adult (a few times now!)

-Stayed in a fancy hotel suite

-Rode in a Limo

-Learned to be a better cook (I think?)

-Bought a home

-Got married

-Adopted five kitties

-Traveled by plane, all by myself (twice)

-Went on a coffee date to meet strangers

-Started a blog

-Had my heart broken

-Found the love of my life

-Went through a goth phase

-Went through a raver phase

-Made (other) questionable fashion choices

-Dyed my hair various crazy colors (red, pink, blue, purple, black, bleached)

-Cut my hair super short (2 inches long?)

-Visited Hawaii (Maui)

-Went spelunking with my grandpa

-Attempted candy making with my grandma

-Took a 7-hour train/ bus trip

-Visited Tennessee

-Visited Seattle

-Watched a meteor shower

-Milked a goat

-Rode an elephant

-Rode a camel (though now I feel bad about both the camel and elephant, these were at the fair when I was a kid, and how terrible for them to be subjected to that)

-Dirt biked and got my motorcycle permit (which has since expired)

-Improved my chopstick skills (I was a bit hesitant to add this because I still suck, but I really do suck less at it!)

-Bought my first car

-Paid off my credit card debt

-Survived a kidney stone passing (though if I had a magic genie at the time, I would have wished for death. Sweet, sweet death)

-Participated in a marathon (okay so I mostly walked and they were mini ones but I'm counting them!!!)

-Got a Deva Cut, learned how to care for my curls

-Participated in a circle/mosh pit at the 25th Warped Tour!

-Have been able to take care of a tortoise for almost two decades now

Some people have interpreted "reverse bucket list" as a list of items you don't want to do. So here is my list for that:

-Sky diving

-Hang Gliding

-Bunging jumping


-Climb the highest mountain

-I guess I will just include anything to do with heights, NO THANK YOU.

-Travel the World: Traveling makes me tired, and I like my creature comforts.

-Ride a horse. Those things are damn scary.

-Backpack across Europe. That sounds just awful.

-Scuba Dive, snorkel, swim with dolphins, sharks... anything to do with going underwater. No.

-Visit every state in the US. Yeah, I'm good.

-White water rafting. Yikes.

-Meet my celebrity crush. This sounds awkward and terrible.

I would love to see your lists! Either or both interpretations!