Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

My Closet Essentials


Matching Hangers

This is my main, MAIN essential for all closets I've ever had. I feel like just having all the hangers being the same immediately gives the closet a facelift. And all clothing facing the same way of course. I didn't know that people would even hang things so haphazard before meeting my husband. His bachelor closet was a horror show! Hangers of all kinds, facing every which way, nothing sorted by any method... AHHHHH.
For my closet, I use these hangers: Petite Junior Wooden Hangers. Originally I had the velvet slimline hangers, which I liked for being able to cram more stuff in a smaller amount of space, but the hangers were actually too large for my clothes and would often leave shoulder nipples on my sweaters (though I think they now make child size?). A few of my items slip off these tiny hangers (like my boatneck tees), so I wonder if I should have gotten a slighter larger size. Unfortunately, I decided to invest in a HUGE amount instead of just trying out a few so oh well. I bought the little velvet stickers to add to them and that seems to help with some of the wider necked items, the boatneck ones I just fold into a drawer. Now that my husband and I have our new closet, I'm going to start buying him some new hangers since this site also has an extra large size.

Bug repellent

My closet is just out in the open (never had an issue when I had one with a door), and I had two dresses ruined by moth larvae (ew I know). So now whenever I see those tiny little brown moths I squish them (sorry!) but I also bought a bunch of cedar hangups, and I haven't noticed any issue since.
About once a year I take them down and respray them with cedar oil and let them dry before re-hanging. I've read you can also lightly sand them to rejuvenate the oils, but I haven't tried that.

Fabric Bins of various sorts

One bin I use this for discarding items that I no longer want but might want to post onto my PoshMark closet, donate, give to my sister or toss. Keeps the mess contained and prevents me from forgetting that I meant to discard it and hanging it back up. 
Other bins I have for seasonal items like winter (gloves, earmuffs), summer (swimsuits, shorts), or specialty items like my workout gear.
I also use them for awkward things like scarves, I have a lot of them, and I now just toss them in a bin. Scarves are one of the hardest items to organize, I feel.

Where to Purchase

Hangers || Only Hangers
Black Bins || Amazon
Cedar Hang Ups || Walmart
Polka Dot Bin || Pehr

What do you consider closet essentials for your own closet? Any tips to add for more organization?