Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday Confessions || 8-7-2022


My Siamese cat HATES bad smells. I came home from work on a hot day, and normally all the kitties are waiting for me by the garage door and then run to the backdoor for me to let them out before I feed them their dinner. This day, the Siamese ran towards the back, but then veered into the kitchen to the garbage can and gave me a pointed look, and then went to the back door. He was right, the package that had raw chicken from the night before wasn't rinsed well enough and was causing a smell from the heat of the day. 

So even though the bag was barely full, I removed it and after putting that dinner's trash into it I went to take it outside. My husband was like, what is that? And I explained that our cat told me it was smelly so I was taking it out. He laughed and was like, I'll take it out. He knows how the Siamese is too.


And little Miss Momo murder mittens killed another hummingbird!!! HOW. They are so tiny and so fast! I have NO bird feeders in my backyard at all because I'm not providing them with a wildlife buffet. I honestly don't know where or how she is doing this. But she keeps bringing them to our porch :(


It has also been sprinkling and causing HUMIDITY which normally I don't deal with here at all! We call it being "muggy"... do you guys use that term for a humid hot day? 

Anyways, it was causing the ants outside to go bonkers, no idea why, and they came up through the vent in my downstairs bathroom! Again, it was after work, I go in there to pee, and I notice an ant on Toki's water dish near the shower (because for some reason she just HAS to have a water dish there. Are they spoiled? Yes.). I then focus some more and... goddamn it Heather, there are ants ALL OVER everything!!! So I go into panic mode, text Neil (he was in the upstairs bathroom), and I start removing everything from the bathroom and looking for the dematiaceous earth (food grade so safe for us as long as we don't breathe in the dust). Neil then also sets up traps. These ants were a lot more persistent than the ones that were in the kitchen, and it took like three days vs the one to get them gone. UGH.

Then just as a preventative measure, I also put the dust all around the back door, and the garage door. 


My husband also let me know he "saved" a jumping spider that he saw in the sink when he was washing his hands (it probably jumped off him), and he put it on a paper and put it outside because he knows how I feel about them. PROGRESS!!! He would never have done that a few years ago!!!

Yes to spiders (especially jumping ones, they are so cute!), and No to ants, boo.