Faerie Eye

introvert with me

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunday Confessions || 9-08-2019


I was reading a comment thread on Reddit, and someone had linked to MGTOW (men who go their own way) to illustrate a point they were making of how that subreddit is obsessed with women, and how terrible/evil we are instead of like, NOT, since their life is supposed to be about living single/without a woman, so I click on it (because I just hate life) and my god what a cesspool of posts :( One common theme that kept popping up on posts/comments (I only browsed the first page), was:

women have no hobbies

Over and over again, like this was stated as FACT.

--if they [women] say they have hobbies, its shopping or hanging out with friends
--shopping and hanging out with friends are not hobbies
--if they do have hobbies, they are uninteresting
--women need to take more interest in their men's hobbies
--because whatever the man is interested in, is interesting and counts as a hobby


I made a list of all the hobbies that I know my female friends and coworkers engage in (I'm sure there are more things that I don't know):

--makeup organization (people have some awesome makeup vanities set up, even I start pinning ones and I don't even do makeup
--iPhone photography
--personal fashion/style
--antique doll collecting 
--rock climbing
--jewelry making
--interior decorating
--craft cocktails
--trying out new restaurants
--party planning
--ballroom dancing
--paper crafts
--nail art

These are all valid interests/hobbies!!! Do some involve shopping? YES. Do some involve hanging out with your friends? YES. 

Though, if someone asks me what my hobbies are, I wouldn't know how to answer that. Maybe if it was rephrased, how do you dick around on your free time? Then I would be like, oh: party planning/theming, sketching, meal planning, Poshmark, Reddit, personal style, blogging, cuddling with my cats.

What about you? Do you define your free time activities as hobbies?